

Deck guide for Combo Dragon Priest

Please accept my poor English.


This deck is Dragon Priest with Divine Spirit/Inner Fire.

The deck list is as follows.




・versus Control decks

 Aim to settle the game eraly,especially Warlock and Mage. Because after your opponent summon  Voidlord, it'll be extremely difficult to break through it. And Mage has Ice Block so even if you can shatter it at late game, she'll set Ice Block again and remove your minions, gain armor.. you lose.

 If you made a big size minion nearly giants, you did a good job. But you should not greedily to make more big size minion. Because if your opponent use light removal spells or minions(for example, Backstab, SI:7 Agent, Patches the Pirate), your minion will be more small. Take it esay. But Priest is exception(suppotion Razakus Priest). No matter how you make a big minion, he'll remove it easily. So you have to beat him by OTK.

・versus Aggro decks

  Basically, you have to remove your opponent minions. You can use Divine Spirit/Inner Fire roughly, and aim to take the initiative as early as possible. Watch for Corridor Creeper after you summon Duskbreaker.

・versus Tempo Rogue

 Our removal steps are the same as each other, so you have to make aggressive game before your opponent. If you can get Bonemare or Vilespine Slayer, the game will be above evenly. Please remember the combo "Twilight AcolytePotion of MadnessShadowstep". It is sure to help you.



・ versus Priest(Razakus)

 must: Drakonid Operative, Twilight Drake, Netherspite Historian

 case-by-case: Kabal Talonpriest, Power Word: Shield, other

・versus Warlock(Cube)

 must: Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental(, if you have either one, keep Inner Fire too.)

 case-by-case: Kabal Talonpriest, Power Word: Shield, other

・versus Rogue(Tempo)

 must: Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, Duskbreaker

 case-by-case: Kabal Talonpriest, Power Word: Shield, Netherspite Historian, Dragon for Duskbreaker, other

・versus Paladin(Aggro)

 must: Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, Potion of Madness, Duskbreaker

 case-by-case: Kabal Talonpriest, Power Word: Shield, Netherspite Historian, Dragon for Duskbreaker, other

・versus Druid(Jade)

 must: Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental

 case-by-case: Kabal Talonpriest, Power Word: Shield, other

・versus Mage(Secret)

 must: Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, Duskbreaker

 case-by-case: Kabal Talonpriest, Power Word: Shield, Netherspite Historian, Dragon for Duskbreaker, other


 For men whom hard to against Warlock, be conscious to beat him before he summons Possessed Lackey or equips Skull of the Man'ari.


As a whole, don't persist to do OTK. GOOD LUCK!

















・有利…翡翠ドル、ラザカス(最速完全体は厳しめ)、キューブ/コントロールウォロ、アグパラ、アグドル (ヒドラが出てきたら叩いてからイカれた錬金術師でひっくり返してやると簡単に勝てます)、ミラクルローグ





